Waterloo terrain

I'm currently busy finishing my final six French battalions, so I though I'd take this opportunity to show you the terrain pieces I have started. There are six in all, two representing the most famous buildings of that battle and the other four generic pieces to be used for the other points on the battlefield (Plancenoit, Papelotte, La Belle Alliance etc). I have completed one piece just as a test (which is an annoying habit I seem to have developed, buy figures paint one as a test, move on).
La Haye Sainte 150x90mm

Hougomont 200x150mm

Generic 100x100mm piece, the only one completed so far.

Remaining 100x100mm pieces.
Each of my infantry bases is 60x20mm ( 60x80mm for a full battalion)


  1. Really can't wait to see the rest. I have been looking for paper models like these to use with my 1/72 scale figures. I hope to be able to put together a diorama of the Waterloo Battlefield. Do you have any idea when the others might be available? Thank you.


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